Thursday, October 21, 2010

Gunung Tampin birding

Birds are rare with some mat rempits doing their stunts at the parking lot. Decided to go higher up the mountain than the usual spot.

A juvenile Black drongo with a catch ... After checking online, juvenile drongos are completely black.

Black Drongo ?
Dicrurus macrocercus

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Repah birding

Stake out at the waterfall area yielded this lifer, its a challenge to detect birds as you are right by the water edge. The noise of flowing water drowns all bird calls, the only tool is good eye sight to detect the slightest movement.

Grey Wagtail
Motacilla cinerea

Then back to the normal routine of quiet jungle track. Another lifer.

Asian Paradise-flycatcher
Terpsiphone paradisi

And another.

Black-winged Flycatcher-shrike
Hemipus hirundinaceus

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Gunung Datuk birding

Birds are rather shy today, easily frightened by the use of the flash.

This bird is too quick for me, one second on the branch, the next on the cable. Not what i would call a natural photo.

Scarlet Minivet
Pericrocotus flammeus

Sunday, October 3, 2010

More Malkohas of Gunung Tampin

I get the impression Gunung Tampin is full of Malkohas.

Raffles's Malkoha
Phaenicophaeus chlorophaeus

Chestnut-breasted Malkoha
Phaenicophaeus curvirostris

Black-naped Oriole
Oriolus chinensis

Saturday, October 2, 2010

More Gunung Tampin birding

Gunung Tampin is starting to be another favourite birding spot due to its tranquil surrounding and super fresh air. Being a real mountain also means no local residents to explain what you're doing and avoid.

All this is spoilt by a telco company laying cables to the transmission tower on top of the hill. Maxis subscribers will be happy to get stronger signals in Tampin.

Some local residents are not bothered by the invasion.

Lesser Green Leafbird
Chloropsis cyanopogon

Tiger Shrike
Lanius tigrinus

yyy Bulbul

Friday, October 1, 2010

Gunung Tampin birding

Back at Gunung Tampin. This time a bulbul and the majestic hornbill.

Lifer bulbul, too bad only a belly shot.

Grey-bellied Bulbul
Pycnonotus cyaniventris

Treasures of Tampin, a flock of at least 6 birds were swarming to feed on a fruiting palm tree in the thick jungle. Limited view of the bird shooting thru the leaves. For a moment it felt like we're back in prehistoric era with pterodactyls flying about, the size of the birds were truly very impressive!!!

Time to bring out the trekking shoes to go off road.

Oriental Pied Hornbill
Anthracoceros albirostris